Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hey everybody! I know it has been FOREVER since I’ve posted anything, but it has been a really busy holiday season. I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. Our first Christmas together was so much fun (I’ll be sure to post pictures once I upload them to the computer). We ended up setting up our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving (which was before we threw away our jack-o-lantern because by that point it was dripping onto our neighbor’s balcony :) and neither one of us wanted to carry it to the garbage) and are kind of sad to take it down. Our fish are still alive and are so cute, they’re our little boys. School is starting again next week, and after this semester is over I should only have two left! Woo hoo, almost done with college! Happy new year!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I love watching the seasons change, each new season brings something new to be excited about! Brandon and I got to carve a pumpkin for Halloween, which was a blast because this was no ordinary pumpkin. This pumpkin weighed 50 pounds! It was amazing! (We still have it sitting on our balcony, I'm kinda holding on to it) And next is Thanksgiving! We were talking the other day about Thanksgiving and we both said the same dorky thing at the same time (great minds think a like!) and decided since we can eat at TWO Thanksgiving dinners this year we were going to go into training so we could stuff ourselves as full as possible! And then there is the Christmas tree. We bought it last year while they were really cheap and on clearance. Brandon has been so excited to set it up (and his little train that goes around it) that he asks me if he can set it up every day when he gets home from work! We finally came to a consensus that we could set it up the day after Thanksgiving, but no sooner because it will most likely take up a large amount of the space in our front room. (I have a feeling though that we'll probably set it up on Thanksgiving I'm excited to set it up too!) Anyways, I'm excited for the rest of the holiday season to come!

Monday, October 20, 2008

And now...

It's been a MONTH! That's right everyone, officially 11 minutes ago it has been one month since Brandon and I were married. We have been so busy with school and work and the apartment that it seemed to just fly by. However, I am happy to say that out apartment is finally clean! We still have some stuff that will probably just stay in boxes, but we can sit on the couch and see the floor everywhere (except where the furniture is) in the apartment! Pretty exciting, I'll have to get pictures of it posted some time soon. (We got a way cool digital camera, and we pretty much take it everywhere with us, so now I'll be able to get lots of pictures on our blog!) Anyways, we went to church for the first time in our new ward two weeks ago, and it's HUGE! There are probably 40 women in relief society (which is a little intimidating coming from a ward of about seven) but everyone was really nice and friendly and like half the ward lives in our apartment complex. Oh, and I'm thinking about getting a hair cut, but I can't decide how I should cut it. So if anyone has any ideas just let me know. (Or ideas for Halloween costumes, I can't think of what to be:) )

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Life continues

Well, it has now been officially 1 week and 5 days since I married my sweetheart for time and all eternity. It's hard to believe that all of that planning is finally over, and how wonderful it all turned out. Everyone that helped at the weddding was amazing, and I know nothing would have gotten done without each and every one of you. I'm hoping to have pictures soon so I can post them on here. Our photographer was really good (Brandon's uncle Jeff) and I can't wait to see how they turned out. Still life continues. Our apartment is still not even CLOSE to being unpacked (considering that my bedroom in my parents house is still a disaster :) ) but we're getting there. Every day brings new surprises and something to laugh about. I love being married (even though there are still a lot of adjustments to get used to, going from six people to only two is kind of weird). My Mom gave me some great advice she told me "things won't get back to "normal", they just get back to life." This is SO true, I kept thinking that after the wedding things would get back to "normal", but now that it IS after the wedding I have realized that my "normal" has changed, and now Brandon and I get the wonderful chance to start our own life together. Making our own "normal."

Friday, September 19, 2008


So tomorrow is my WEDDING! I'm so excited. We have been moving everything into our apartment over the past week, but we still have a lot to move. I think it will wait until after the wedding. I know it has been a while since I posted last but I didn't realize that planning a wedding was so time consuming. (And to be honest, my Mom has been so amazing because she has really done a whole TON more than I have so that I can focus on my school work. I don't know what I would do without her.) All of the relatives from out of state are starting to gather this week. Brandon's grandparents from Michigan came last night, and I'm pretty sure my Aunt Liz and family are coming up today. I can hardly wait for tomorrow morning!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well, it has been a while since I have had time to post anything on here, so I'll do a quick update on what has been going on. Fall semester started, so I'm officially back in school. Which means that between trying to juggle homework and everything that goes along with planning a wedding I have been getting busier and busier. We're officially only 9 days away from the wedding! Woo hoo, single digits! I'm so excited for it to be here. I think the reception is going to turn out really good. And even though I am really super dooper excited for the actual wedding, I think I'm more excited about being able to spend the rest of my life with my amazing Brandon. Well, I'll try to keep more updates as the days go by (hey, that's a really good country song!) and hopefully I can keep this more up to date.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bridal Showers

So, after a crazy but really fun weekend, I finally have time to make a new post. The bridal showers were so much FUN. I got tons of stuff that are going to help us a lot when we're first married. My bedroom is now completely full of stacks of gifts, but frankly I wouldn't have it any other way. Also, a funny story, Brandon and I got our first chair the other day...we found it on the side of the road for FREE. It's actually in really good condition and we're really excited about it. It's funny the little things that make you so happy when you're planning on getting married. (or newly married I'm sure) So we're now making our collection of stuff for our apartment and I'm sure our parents are sick of storing all of our stuff. Anyways, life continues to be as busy as ever, but I wouldn't trade a moment of it. Only 30 days!

Friday, August 15, 2008


It's finally the end of what seemed like a week with no end! Everything was taking so long and I felt stuck for hours. But now it's friday and almost the weekend. I'm so excited for tomorrow because I have two bridal showers! I can't wait to see what is planned, and what creative gifts everyone has thought of. I'm REALLY looking forward to it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

End of Semester!

So, yesterday was finally my last class for summer semester. It has been so much FUN and I love the school and interior design. It has been a lot of work though and that means that on top of that and planning a wedding I have been INSANELY busy. Brandon has been so amazing in helping with everything that is going on and is always willing to do whatever needs to be done. I think I have to be the luckiest girl ever to get a guy like him. Only 37 days left!

Monday, August 11, 2008


This is one of the engagement pictures we got taken about a month ago. Even though we didn't use it on our invitation, I LOVE it.

My First Blog

This is my first blog that I have ever made. (I know it's kind of weird that I wasn't caught up with the blogging sensation.) I decided to start this because I'm getting married in 40 days! I'm so excited and I can't wait. So I thought this would be the perfect time to start so I could record my feelings and then keep track of what me and my new husband are doing. I'll post pictures later, but for now this will be my first post.