Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I love watching the seasons change, each new season brings something new to be excited about! Brandon and I got to carve a pumpkin for Halloween, which was a blast because this was no ordinary pumpkin. This pumpkin weighed 50 pounds! It was amazing! (We still have it sitting on our balcony, I'm kinda holding on to it) And next is Thanksgiving! We were talking the other day about Thanksgiving and we both said the same dorky thing at the same time (great minds think a like!) and decided since we can eat at TWO Thanksgiving dinners this year we were going to go into training so we could stuff ourselves as full as possible! And then there is the Christmas tree. We bought it last year while they were really cheap and on clearance. Brandon has been so excited to set it up (and his little train that goes around it) that he asks me if he can set it up every day when he gets home from work! We finally came to a consensus that we could set it up the day after Thanksgiving, but no sooner because it will most likely take up a large amount of the space in our front room. (I have a feeling though that we'll probably set it up on Thanksgiving I'm excited to set it up too!) Anyways, I'm excited for the rest of the holiday season to come!