Wednesday, February 22, 2012

7 months already!

Since when did my baby turn 7 months old... oh, yeah, yesterday.  That just doesn't seem possible!  We're on the down hill slide to his 1st birthday.  What happened to my little newborn?  Oliver is getting so big and is learning so much everyday.  It's amazing to watch him!  Since we're a few monthly pictures behind on the blog I'll update all of them for you.  This is his picture from when he was five months old.

 This one is his 6 month picture.  I could not get him to take that thumb out of his mouth for anything.  So I just took the picture with it :)
 And this is the most recent monthly photo.  7 months old!  My Mom and I made his this onesie yesterday just for his picture.  It turned out so cute!
Here are some fun facts about Oliver at 7 months old:

  • He rolls over all the time and is starting to get into everything
  • He is trying to learn to crawl.  He can get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth.
  • He's doing better with solid foods, so far he likes sweet potatoes, avocado, banana's, mashed potatoes, and french fries :)
  • He waves bye.  It's so adorable
  • He loves watching scooby-doo with me
  • He loves the dog (she tolerates him)
  • He is such a technology baby.  He always wants your phone, or computer, he loves playing on grandma's iPad or my iPod.  
Well that's our update for now.  I'm loving being home with Oliver and I wouldn't trade it for anything!