Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hello there due date!

Well, today is my due date...and still no baby! Oh, well. I guess he's just going to be stubborn like his Mom :) My doctor does say that everything is still looking really good and that we both seem to be doing just fine. Good news is that if he hasn't decided to make his appearance by next week I'm scheduled to be induced on the 21st so he'll for sure be here next Thursday! Woo Hoo! It's nice to finally have an actual real date to look forward to, it makes the "I'm going to be pregnant forever" feeling not quite so bad. I'm working on just staying positive and trying to get as much done as I possibly can before then and just enjoying being pregnant. I told Brandon that I'm surprisingly not that uncomfortable, and most days don't mind being nine months pregnant, but that the really hard part is just that I want him here so I can snuggle him and take care of him and get to know him. I want to see what he looks like, I feel like he has such a little personality already, and I know it will just become more pronounced once he's actually here. We have the nursery all put together and ready to go, I'm going to take pictures and get them posted in the coming week, it's one of the things on my list of activities to keep me occupied until Thursday :) I guess that's all for now, just figured I should update everyone! Hopefully my next post should be introducing our new little man!