Friday, September 19, 2008


So tomorrow is my WEDDING! I'm so excited. We have been moving everything into our apartment over the past week, but we still have a lot to move. I think it will wait until after the wedding. I know it has been a while since I posted last but I didn't realize that planning a wedding was so time consuming. (And to be honest, my Mom has been so amazing because she has really done a whole TON more than I have so that I can focus on my school work. I don't know what I would do without her.) All of the relatives from out of state are starting to gather this week. Brandon's grandparents from Michigan came last night, and I'm pretty sure my Aunt Liz and family are coming up today. I can hardly wait for tomorrow morning!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well, it has been a while since I have had time to post anything on here, so I'll do a quick update on what has been going on. Fall semester started, so I'm officially back in school. Which means that between trying to juggle homework and everything that goes along with planning a wedding I have been getting busier and busier. We're officially only 9 days away from the wedding! Woo hoo, single digits! I'm so excited for it to be here. I think the reception is going to turn out really good. And even though I am really super dooper excited for the actual wedding, I think I'm more excited about being able to spend the rest of my life with my amazing Brandon. Well, I'll try to keep more updates as the days go by (hey, that's a really good country song!) and hopefully I can keep this more up to date.