Well...we were supposed to be closing on our house today...but...we're not quite done. Technically we signed all the papers and are done, but they're waiting on something from the bank for the seller since it's a short sale. So the seller isn't done. It's been five months since we put our offer in and we were so excited this morning that it was finally going to be finished, after everything that we had to do to get to this point. Let me tell you, I was a little beyond frustrated this afternoon. I came to school and did not want to be here, I just wanted to go find someone that I could blame for not getting their job done. As I calmed down a little bit I was reading some quotes on lds.org and I found one that I really liked. It's from the May 2007 Ensign from an article by Bonnie D. Parkin the part I really liked said:
"...receiving even tribulations with thanksgiving requires a broken heart and a contrite spirit, humility to accept that which we cannot change, willingness to turn everything over to the Lord—even when we do not understand, thankfulness for hidden opportunities yet to be revealed. Then comes a sense of peace."
I realized that I needed to hear exactly what Sister Parkin said over two years ago. I can't change what's going on...in fact at this point in time there is absolutely nothing I can do to make them go faster with the closing. The only thing I can do is turn everything over to the Lord and say "I don't understand why this is happening like this or at this time, but I trust You, I know that you would never give me anything that I can't handle and I know that so long as I have done all I can do that it will all work out how it's supposed to."
Final Post
11 years ago