Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oliver Daniel Phillips

Introducing our little peanut Oliver! Oliver was born on July 21, 2011 at 12:54 p.m. He weighed 9 pound 9 ounces and was 21 inches long. He was exactly a week overdue and we had quite the adventure getting him here! Because I was a week overdue my doctor and I decided it was time to induce labor. We went in to the hospital on Wednesday (the 20th) at about 9:00 at night. We were prepared to be there for quite a while because that's what my doctor had said. She was hoping that by having me go in the night before then he would hopefully be here by dinner on Thursday. When we got to the hospital I was dilated to a fingertip (so basically nothing :) ) and at 9:30 they got me started on a medicine called Cytotec which helps prepare your body for labor and can also start labor more naturally as if you had just gone into labor yourself. The nurse had told me that they would keep me on this giving me a dose every 3 hours until morning and then they would start me on pitocin. So at 12:30 in the morning the nurse came in to check me and give me the next dose, well surprise I was already dilated to a 3, which is normally when they like to start pitocin and break your water. Everyone seemed really surprised because normally it takes people all night to get to that point. So I was really hopeful, especially because I hadn't been feeling any of the contractions that I had been having. So at 1:30 Thursday morning they broke my water and started pitocin. About an hour later my contractions were coming right on top of one another and were really painful so I decided to get an epidural. They checked me again after the epidural had set in and I was already dilated to a 5 and feeling much more comfortable :) At about 3 ish in the morning I was finally able to fall asleep until about 6 when Oliver scared us because his heart rate kept dropping during contractions and then wouldn't recover back up to where it's supposed to be. They put me on oxygen and we were finally able to get him stabilized again. When they checked me at 6 I was already dilated to an 8 so they decided to help him stay stable and since I was progressing so good they would take me off pitocin. The next time they came and checked me was at about 9 Thursday morning and I was dilated to a 10 and it was time to push! I couldn't believe it had gone that fast, since I had prepared myself to be in labor for almost 24 hours. At 9:30 we started pushing and kept pushing for 2 hours. At this point I was completely exhausted since I hadn't slept much the night before and hadn't eaten anything since dinner. When my doctor came and checked on us she was really concerned because Oliver hadn't made any progress in the birth canal since we started pushing. So at this point we decided it was time to head in for and emergency c-section. I was terrified, I had no idea what to expect and to be honest the thought of a c-section had never even crossed my mind. By this point though I just wanted him here safe. We started the prep for the surgery and headed in. Oliver was born at 12:54 and hearing him cry for the first time was the most amazing sound I have heard. Brandon of course was awesome through this whole process and was right there with Oliver from the second he was born and was able to sit there with me and hold him the rest of the time I was in surgery. Everything went well and we both are doing awesome. Recovery was hard at first because I couldn't even get out of bed for the first day, but I've been getting better every day and even though I'm still sore every once and a while I feel a hundred times better.

As for Oliver, he is absolutely wonderful! We couldn't be happier with him. He's absolutely adorable and is such a good baby. He makes the cutest little facial expressions and is already holding his head up. He is such a little cuddler and already is doing really good at sleeping through the night. Although I have to say that I can't think of anything that makes being up at 2:30 in the morning more worth it then looking down and seeing that little baby grin!

Well, here are some pictures for you all. I can't believe he is already 2 weeks old today, it's going by to fast already!Our first family picture.

This last picture is from today. He really is a little heart breaker!


Michele said...

I am so glad he is here and everyone is doing good! He is such a beautiful baby I can't wait to see him and hold him!!!! All our love goes to you and your new little family:) I'm glad you are taking time to just enjoy every momment with your little one.

Thayne said...

We really love him. He is such a cuddle bug and such a sweetheart. I am glad you are doing good. Remember you can bring him over any time and grandpa will hold him.

Liz said...

I am so excited for you! He is so cute! I can't wait to get to see him in person!!! Until then post lots of pictures :) They change so much so fast! Love you guys!!!

Brittany said...

He is darling! Can't wait to meet him in person!